Participate in The 2016 7GP Contest

1.  One person from each participating school must register as the school contact if your school plans to submit a winning poem by January 29, 2016. 

2.  All 7th grade students throughout the school, regardless of ability, must be invited to participate in The 7GP Contest.

3.  Students must be permitted to write the poem of their choice: (1) on any theme, (2) using any poetry form and any poetry devices, and (3) in any length. See Best Practices.

4.  Each school selects its own one winning The 7GP Contest poem based solely on the written words, not on student personality or poem performance.

5.  Each school’s one winning poem should be sent to 7GP no later than January 29, 2016. 

6. Each school's signed student release form and photo of the winning student should be sent to 7GP by February 12, 2016.

7.  Each school's film of the student reading the final draft of the poem should be sent to 7GP by February 29, 2016. Each school is required submit the Pre-Event Educator Survey by this date.

8.  More details are provided to registrants. See Rules for The 2016 7GP Contest.