"The Lone Soldier"

Yeatman-Liddell College Preparatory Middle School
St. Louis City, MO

The lone soldier on the battlefield
Comrades dead leaving blood on his shield
His type of weapon he likes to wield
The lone soldier all left to die
In the mist of the wind he hears a cry
He looks around and sees a wounded guy 

The lone soldier crazed in his mind
A sad day for him to find
His comrades stepped on a land mine
The lone soldier all alone he starts to hum a deep tone
Surrounds his conscious with a big dome

The lone soldier continues to walk
Only the desert sea for him to stalk
The lone soldier engrossed in his thoughts
Remembers his kids and wife though he has naught
The beginning for him has yet to be bought 

The lone soldier looks over the horizon
Then he thinks how he’s downed over two dozen
Now he contemplates who he’s been trusting
The lone soldier had no reason
For it seemed to him the war was treason
He tried to put his broken spirit back to pieces

The lone soldier ended his pain
For he couldn’t bear his feelings for the ones he’d slain
So he decided it was the right thing

The lone soldier down he fell
The lone soldier meant well
The lone soldier all alone
The lone soldier knocked himself off his own throne